Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Happy Mother's Day Indeed

We are currently working on our dossier, which is basically all of our paperwork, including the homestudy, background checks, pictures, medicals, etc, etc, in one giant packet. We have to have our dossier completed to move forward with the adoption. The last thing that we needed was our NBC approval, which is Immigration giving us permission to bring our foreign born children into the country. This takes up to 3 months to get. As part of the approval, we travelled to WV to get our fingerprints done about a week ago. This past Sunday (Mother's Day), I checked the mail because I hadn't checked it the day before. In the mail was our NBC approval!! We didn't expect to get it until mid-July. As you can imagine, this made it a wonderful Mother's day for me. We are one step closer to getting our kids!!!

Now all we have to do is get all of our notarized documents authenticated. Then send everything (our dossier) to the adoption agency to be translated and sent to Bulgaria. Once Bulgaria receives our dossier, we will be registered and officially waiting for our referral! We will have to pay an agency fee as well as a translation fee when we send in our packet, so we are scrambling to get that together. But we have had some amazing people send us unexpected donations, which we are extremely thankful for!!! (You know who you are... Thank you!!!)

We are still waiting to hear back from the grants that we have applied for, please pray that the Lord will guide these organizations to make the right choice, whether that is us or not. We are also working on a few fundraisers for the near future. Please continue to pray for our patience and that our faith and trust in Christ would grow even more. Also, keep our children in your prayers!

P.S. We are still selling our "Shirts of Hope". These shirts are an awesome way to show your support of adoption and help us bring our kids home!


1 comment:

  1. Justin and Kathy...thanks so much for your email! Would love to get into contact with you! Enjoyed reading your blog and love the shirts...what an awsome fundraising idea!

    Jeff and Wendy Shupe
