Saturday, December 31, 2011

"Faith and worry don't mix."

I am a worrier!! I worry about everything, literally. I can't even watch or push a child on a swing set because I worry that they will bump into another child or hit the wooden supports or fall off or... You get the idea.  The adoption has brought on a whole new set of worries! One of the biggest worries (there are many) that we have had is for the finances. I know I have mentioned it before, but adopting 1 child from Bulgaria costs at least $33,000. We would like to adopt siblings, which means it would be closer to $45,000. That is a lot of money. Thankfully, we don't have to pay this all at once. We pay smaller fees at a time and they are spaced out. However, it is still $2,000-$4,000 at a time, which is nothing to sneeze at. Right now, we are working on our home study and dossier. They are both a ton of paperwork. The home study also consists of interviews. Suprisingly, I am not worried about the interviews. God has called us to adopt and we already have a child/ren in Bulgaria, we just have to make it official. :) But we have to pay a home study fee before our first interview (January 23) and we don't have all of the money yet. We have had this issue before and God has provided everytime. After His provision, my faith and trust levels are always boosted higher and I can't believe that I didn't just trust God to begin with. Then, we get to this point again and all the worry comes back. I finally had a mini-meltdown last night. It is so hard to just wait and trust God to provide. This morning, I read out of my devotion book (I haven't been reading as often as I should, this will be a New Year's resolution!). The devotion, amazingly enough, was about not worrying. Here is part of the scripture that was used: Matthew 6:25a & 33-34 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life... But seek first His kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." God is always listening and watching and providing. Worrying does nothing! The last sentence of the devotion was "Faith and worry don't mix." I need to remember to trust God to provide for this adoption. I don't know how He is going to do it. And I don't need to know, I just need to trust. Please continue to pray for us throughout this process. Pray that we would keep our faith and trust in God and that He would provide financially. Pray that God would continue to prepare us all to be a family.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Candle of Hope

Justin and I have found the most amazing church, Radford Baptist Church! The people are great and the preaching is straight out of God's word! I absolutely believe that God brought us to this church and at the exact right time. Everyone is so encouraging and super supportive of the adoption. This is exactly what we needed to get through this process and of course, God knew that. He is an awesome God!!

We were so blessed to be asked to share our adoption story this past Sunday. We lit a candle for hope(and lit it again when it blew out) and this is what we shared:

(Kathy) "We have both had a strong desire to adopt for a long time. We knew before we got married that we would adopt one day. And we actually started praying then that God would prepare us for it. Our plan was to have one or two children first, then adopt. We started trying almost 3 years ago.  Obviously, we weren't getting pregnant, we just didn't know why. Almost every month, we got our hopes up just to be let down. Something that was so easy for everyone else, seemed impossible for us. We started wondering what was wrong with us, or what we had done wrong and why God didn't want us to be parents.
  "Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." God had a different plan for us than we had for ourselves. We realize now that if we had children when we first started trying, we wouldn't be as focused and motivated to adopt now. Pastor karl has been talking about giving thanks for everything. As hard as it was, we are truly thankful for our struggles getting pregnant, because God has used that to prepare us for adoption and fill us up with hope and faith, and love for a child that we haven't even met yet. We started the adoption process in August and have seen God's guidance and provision every step of the way so far."

(Justin) "After hearing Kathy tell you our story, you probably think we would want to talk to you about our hope to have children. The real hope we want to share with you is the hope of the orphans here and around the world. The hope that someone would open their hearts and homes and adopt them into a forever family, just as Christ has adopted us into his Eternal family.
  "Ephesians 1:4-5 says, "Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him, in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself according to the good pleasure of His will." Without Christ's sacrifice we would still be orphaned, lost and hopeless. Our sin caused us to be orphaned from God our heavenly and eternal Father. Earthly orphans have done nothing to deserve separation from their families.
  "In James 1:27 we are told: "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." When I read this verse as a young man I knew I wanted to adopt, to give someone a chance that might not otherwise have one. After all, Christ adopted me and gave me hope when I had none.
  "Our hope is that the body of Christ, starting here at Radford and spreading throughout the world, would embrace James 1:27 and be a picture of Christ to all orphans. Giving hope to the hopeless, visiting them in their trouble, and adopting them into their families. Sharing the greatest hope that we have, the hope of eternal life in Jesus Christ. 
  "We have just come through the Thanksgiving holiday, a time when we focus on family and give thanks for them. Please remember to pray for those who have no family. As we look forward to Christmas and celebrating the birth of Christ, who came and brought to us the Hope and assurance of eternal life and being part of His Eternal family, please pray about how you can bring hope to orphans around the world. maybe it will be to adopt, give of your resources, go on a missions trip to an orphanage or just be a prayer warrior for others.
  "Pastor Karl has been talking about turning our world upside down. I truly believe as a body, we could turn the world upside down if we would allow ourselves to be moved into action by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. In fact, I believe we could bring hope to all of the 143 million orphans and see all 143 million adopted. Ultimately being that selfless picture of Christ who adopted us into His family even though we were undeserving. Also, if the world saw us move to that kind of action for Christ, I believe we would do more than just give orphans home, but we would see many lost souls come to know Christ.
  "Please pray for Kathy and I, and all those who choose to adopt, for strength and perseverance, financial provisions, and that God would keep all orpans from harm and send the Gospel to them. Finally, pray that God would do a great work in His body and that we would all embrace James 1:27."

Thanks to everyone who listened to or read our story. But most of all, thank you God for choosing us to adopt and giving us the opportunity to share the burden of adoption with others.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

It's a learning process

God is teaching me so much through this process! Of course I am learning to be patient. (God has been trying to teach me that for the last 3 years!) He is also teaching me to trust Him. I know that God has called us to adopt. So sometimes I wonder why it is so hard. I got my answer: If God only asked us to do things that are easy, then we wouldn't need to trust Him. He is teaching us to trust Him by giving us a problem and not giving us all the answers. I was very discouraged about the finances for our agency fees. I would look at our savings and crunch the numbers, I just couldn't see how it was humanly possible for us to save/raise that much money. That's because it's not "humanly" possible! We couldn't do any of this without God.

"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." (Phil 4:13)

We are contracting with our agency at the end of this month and our first agency fee is due. Based on what we have saved/raised, we are almost exactly $1,000 short. The month seems to be going by so fast and I just couldn't see where that money would come from. So I gave up! I gave it to God. I asked God to help me to trust Him and know that He will provide somehow. I thought maybe we would get a surprise donation check in the mail or one of us would get a bonus from work or... I didn't know how He would do it, but I wanted so badly to trust that He would. It is so hard to give things over completely to God. Then I received an e-mail yesterday from our adoption agency. In honor of Adoption month (November), they are providing a fee reduction of up to $1,000 to anyone who contracts by the end of the year. Tears filled my eyes as I read this. My prayers were not only heard, but answered! I am so amazed by the power of prayer! When you see God work in your life like this, you can't help but be awestruck. There aren't enough words to describe how awesome my Saviour is!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Phil 4:6-7)

God has opened every door for this adoption. He hasn't made it easy, but He has made it very clear that this is what He wants us to do. God is truly changing our lives through this adoption and I couldn't be more grateful! Please continue to pray for us. Pray that we have patience throughout this process. Pray that our finances are met. And most of all, pray that our trust in God continues to grow.

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." (Mark 11:24) 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Get your Christmas shopping done early! Order Pampered Chef for your friends and relatives. It also makes great Teacher's gifts, and all the proceeds go to a great cause! :) But hurry, all orders have to be in by November 30!

Pampered Chef Teacher Gift Ideas under $15

Adjustable Measuring Tools (starting at $8)
“Thanks for making a measurable” difference in my child’s life!”

Apple Wedger ($13.00) (with apple on top, all tied with a ribbon)
“Any way you slice it, you’re a great teacher!”

Bamboo Collection ($4-15.50)
“Your classroom is an “island” of learning!”

Cutting Board/Bar Board ($9.50)
“No matter how you “cut” it are a great teacher!”

Creative Cutters ($11.00)
“Thank you for your “creative” teaching!”

Easy Opener ($5.00) / Jar Opener($11.00)
“Thank you for “opening” up our kids to learning!”

Measure All Cup ($10) (filled with candy, of course!)
“No matter how you measure’re the best teacher!” or “No one can measure up to you!”

Micro-Cookers ($8.50-11.00)
“Here’s for cooking up some holiday cheer!”

Mini-Serving Spatula ($5.50)
“Thank you so much for ‘serving up’ great lessons this year!”

Peelers (citrus, avocado, vegetable, julienne - $1-10.25)
You’ve made learning very “a-peeling”

Quikut Paring Knife ($2)
“I’ll make it “quik”, you’re a great teacher!”

Recipe Books ($1-14.75)
“You are a great have all the ingredients”
“Hope you cook up some fun over the Holiday break!”

Rubs ($4.50)
“I hope this doesn’t “rub” you the wrong way, but we think you are a great teacher!”

Small Stainless Steel Scoop ($14.50) or the Ice Cream Dipper($15):
“Here’s the scoop: You are a great teacher!”

Small Batter Bowl ($12.00)
“You’ve “bowled” us over with your great teaching!”

Spices & Sauces ($6-12):
Hope your Holidays are full of "spice"!
“Be sure to “pour” on the fun this Holiday!”

Spreaders (all purpose, small & large $5.00-9.50)
“Start “spreading” the news...we think you’re great!” “Thanks for “spreading” your knowledge!”

Suds Pump ($11.50):
“You’ve pumped me up for learning!”

Twix-it Clips ($5.50)
Thanks for keeping your teaching “fresh”

Here’s how you can order and help us bring home our child:
You can simply go to our Web site at, go to the Our Products section, select the link below the products you would like to purchase, and enter my first (Kathy) and last (Hansen) name in the fields provided.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pampered Chef fundraiser

I am doing a Pampered Chef fundraiser with Ruth Stanfield. It will be open from November 1-30. Pampered Chef will make a great addition to your kitchen and it also makes great Christmas presents for your friends and family! All of the proceeds will go to our adoption agency, “All God’s Children International” on our behalf.

Here’s how you can order and help us bring home our child:
You can simply go to our Web site at, go to the Our Products section, select the link below the products you would like to purchase, and enter my first (Kathy) and last (Hansen) name in the fields provided.

You can go ahead and start browsing our website and getting ideas now. Then you can start ordering on November 1. Our first round of fees will be due at the beginning of December.

Every little bit gets us closer to goal. We are also doing a “Baby Bottle” fundraiser. You just collect your loose change in a baby bottle at the end of each day. Then you turn it back in to us, and every little bit of change will go directly to help us “Change” the life of a child in Bulgaria. We still have plenty of bottles, if you are interested in participating.

Thank you for your continued prayers! They are much needed and appreciated!

Image Detail

Friday, October 7, 2011

A Needed Reminder

I wasn't planning to post another blog so soon. However, this was my devotion this morning:

 "Shortly after World War II, the saddest sight for American soldiers who were picking up the pieces in ravaged Europe, was that of little orphaned children starving in the streets of those war-torn cities.
 One soldier driving along in his jeep spotted a little lad with his nose pressed to the window of a pastry shop. Inside the cook was kneading dough for a fresh batch of doughnuts. The hungry boy stared in silence, watching every move. The soldier pulled his jeep to the curb and got out to slip over to the boy's side. Through the steamed-up window he could see the mouth-watering morsels as they were being pulled from the oven, piping hot. The boy salivated and released a slight groan.
 The soldier's heart went out to the orphan. "Son...would you like some of those?"
 The boy was startled. "Oh, yes, would I!"
 The American stepped into the shop, bought a dozen, put them in a bag and walked back to where the lad was standing in the foggy cold of the London morning. He smiled, held out the bag, and said simply: "Here you are."
 As he turned to walk away, he felt a tug on his coat. The soldier looked back and heard the child ask quietly:
 "Mister...are you God?""

After I read this, I just bawled and prayed. I thanked God that he is allowing us to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. This adoption is not about us at all. This is all about a sweet, innocent child who just wants a mommy and a daddy and a home of their own. We have the chance to completely change a life, I am so grateful! This was exactly the kind of encouragement that I needed to remind me of why we are going through all the trouble. It will be completely worth it!!!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

First Adoption Fundraiser

We held a yard sale in Greensboro, NC on Saturday, October 1 to raise money for our first round of agency and home study fees. There was soooo much stuff! Thank you to everyone who donated! It was a very long day . We got up at 5am to start getting ready and setting up, the yard sale lasted from 7am-2pm. It was extremely cold and the wind was constantly blowing things off the tables and knocking things over. Even with the bad weather, we still had a great turn out. We are planning to have another yard sale in the spring.

We raised a little over $500 at the end of the day. We also had a donation bank where anyone could just drop in some change, and we ended up raising over $25 just from those donations. I also set up an information table where people could sign up for 2 of our other fundraisers. We are having a "Pampered Chef" fundraiser through our friend, Ruth Stanfield. All the proceeds from anything you buy go straight to our adoption agency on our behalf. "Pampered Chef" makes great Christmas presents! ;) The link for this fundraiser will be posted on Facebook, and I will also post it in a blog soon. If you would like be included in the "Pampered Chef" fundraiser, I will make sure that you receive the information, just let me know.

We also have baby bottles that we are handing out. The idea is to save all your loose change in the bottle and bring it back when it is full. It is a small way that anyone can help us raise funds and be a part of our child's life. Every little bit of spare change adds up to help a child/ren in Bulgaria have a loving home. We still have plenty of baby bottles and if anyone would like to participate, I would be happy to get one to you.

There were so many encouraging comments and positive attitudes this past weekend. God has truly blessed us and surrounded us with loving and caring people to help us through this process. Spiritually, we always need prayers for patience and guidance. Financially, we need prayers for provision. We still need about $2500 by December. We are fully trusting in God, and know that He will provide. Thank you for your continued prayers and support!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Make a difference, one child at a time

          I have to admit that I don't know anything about writing a blog. But, we want family and friends to be able to follow us throughout this wonderful journey. We are very excited to announce that we have started the process of adoption. We are writing this first blog to explain why we think adoption is important, why we have decided to start the process at this time and where we are in the process.
          We both had a burden for adoption long before we even met. In fact, it was a deciding factor in us getting married. Even before we were married, we started praying together that God would prepare us for adoption and use us in an adoption ministry. We believe that all Christians are commanded to take care of orphans. In James 1:27, God says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…" This is a great time of distress for orphans around the world. What better way is there to take care of orphans than to give them a home and a loving family? There are an estimated 153 million orphaned children worldwide. Approximately 80 million Americans have thought about adopting. Less than 2% of them ever begin the process. And, because of the high cost, just 1% of those Americans actually complete the adoption process. International adoptions usually cost around $30,000 or more. There is a critical need to connect generous givers with willing families, so that orphans can have a loving home. Our future goal is to start a grant/charity to bridge the gap and help more families complete their dream of adoption.
          In our original family plan, we were going to physically have one or two children first, and then adopt. What followed was two and a half years of tears, frustration and confusion about not being able to conceive. After much prayer and seeking of the Lord's guidance, we felt God's leading in our lives to pursue adoption. There is a peace that has come over us since we have decided that God's plan is better than ours. We may still be able to have biological children and plan on looking into that in the future. However, right now, even though we don't know them yet, we believe that there is an orphaned child somewhere that God is watching over for us until we can complete the process and bring them home. 
          After more prayer and research, we have decided to contract with "All God's Children International" (AGCI). AGCI is a Christian nonprofit organization that is committed to adoption, orphan care, and mission outreach. Since 1991, they have united more than 2,200 children with their forever families. (Visit for more information.) We completed our application on our 3rd wedding anniversary as a gift to each other, and were approved to adopt children up to age 6 from Bulgaria. We would like to be matched with siblings, but are excited for whatever God has for us. We are now preparing for our home study, which is the next step in our contract.

Financial Aspect:
          The cost to adopt from Bulgaria is approximately $33,000. It will be about another $11,000 if we are matched with siblings. We have been saving for about a year and plan to continue putting money aside weekly for our adoption fund. We are also planning fundraisers for the adoption. We are doing a "Pampered Chef" fundraiser through our friend Ruth Stanfield. All the proceeds will go straight to AGCI on our behalf. We also have a big yard sale planned for the beginning of October. We have more ideas but nothing planned yet. If you have any fundraising ideas, we are open to any suggestions. In addition, Kathy has adoption reimbursement benefits through her job. And Justin has contacted his employers with information from the "Dave Thomas Foundation" about starting an adoption benefit at his job. We will also be applying for grants once we finish our home study. The most important thing that you can do for us right now is pray. We need prayer for wisdom, guidance, patience and financial provision. If you have a heart for adoption and are interested in giving financial support, we would like for you to pray about it first. We will update you on how you can give if you feel led. We are also working on a way for your gift to be tax-deductible.
          Thank you for taking the time to read this. We hope that we can encourage others with our story. We have definitely been encourage and inspired by other couples who have taken this same journey. We will try to update our blog on a bi-weekly basis.  
          We want to thank everyone for your prayer and support during this exciting time in our lives. We would love to hear from you with any questions, ideas, or just a word of encouragement. This process can be very long and trying, so it is great  to know that our family and friends are supporting us and praying for us.                                                
God Bless,
                                                                         Justin & Kathy Hansen

These are some of the verses that have touched our hearts and motivated us so far in the adoption:
© “He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.” Ephesians 1:5
© “If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.”
I John 3:17-18
© “Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act.” Proverbs 3:27
© “Blessed is he who considers the poor.” Psalm 41:1